Specialised services in business consultancy

We offer you the most appropriate solutions to make your company grow, complying with tax and commercial legislation.


We will be pleased to assist your company in its relations with the Tax Administration, Social Security, economic operators, etc.

Our best services include

dos personas trabajando en asesoría


We provide tax advice and management to companies, freelancers and professionals. We plan tax strategies, represent you before the tax authorities and manage your tax obligations.

detalle de persona utilizando calculadora


We offer accounting services, bank reconciliation, treasury management, electronic filing of accounting books, etc. We also assist in auditing processes, accounting planning and standardisation and the preparation of annual accounts.

dos personas trabajando en el ordenador


We analyse labour costs, offer guidance on employment contracts, manage payroll and social security, and process registrations, cancellations and variations of workers.

dos personas trabajando con calculadora


We assist in the set-up of companies, amendments to articles of association, company agreements and commercial contracts. We also offer services related to fusions, spin-offs and company valuations.

personas analizando gráfico


We provide advice on business succession, drafting of wills, inheritance awards and estate planning.

persona con el teléfono en la mano


We resolve conflicts, negotiate, and offer mediation services in civil and commercial matters.

dos personas reunidas en la mesa con ordenadores


We prepare economic, accounting, financial and tax reports, as well as expert reports in these areas.

personas reunidas


We offer pre-insolvency advice, insolvency application, development of viability plans and participation in all phases of insolvency proceedings.

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